Why are family values important? We’ve all probably heard the term but have we sat down to define them, or really think about what makes them important?
Defining family values can help you see the areas of your life that you need to be intentional in so you can live the life and leave the legacy you desire.
We sat down and started listing our family values by first coming up with some categories that made sense for our family. This is by no means an exhaustive list! But it might give you an idea of where you can start, too.
Our Family Values
| Christian Values |
Love God, imitate Jesus and receive his Holy Spirit.
Act, live and speak according to the Bible
Be an active member of the Church
Be a good steward
| Character Values |
| Social Values |
Honor authority
| Civic Values |
Be informed
Pray for our community and country
| Work Values |
Work hard
Walk in your God-given strengths and giftings
| Home Values |
Do your share around the house
Unplug often
Spend time together
| Recreational Values |
Go on adventures
Enjoy God’s creation
Your list of family values may be really long. You’re likely not going to remember each of them, but through them you may find themes. Write those over-arching themes down and try to make a more concise, simplified version of your values that you can reiterate to yourself and your children until it is remembered.
| Over-arching Values |
Pursuers of excellence
Then you can write these out into a sentence you can repeat often and and remember!
We are the Matrangas, we are faithful, we serve, we pursue excellence , we always keep growing and learning.
When we want to quit, we remind ourselves - We are Matranga’s and just like God is faithful, so are we.
When we don’t feel like lending a helping hand, we remind ourselves that just as Jesus served, we serve too.
When we’re tempted to settle for less, we remind ourselves to pursue excellence because He is excellent. And just like Phil 4:8 says, we will choose to focus on anything that is excellent, worthy, good and beautiful.
When we feel bored or lazy, we remind ourselves that there is always something new to learn about God’s creation or world
When we feel stuck, we remind ourselves there is always a way we can grow more into the likeness of His image.
| WHY |
These values guide us in how to grow ourselves and our children into the men and women of God we desire to be. We pray that as you take the time to think through your family values that the Lord would bring to mind a clear picture of the overarching themes He desires your family to continue to cultivate.